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02/23 Royal Canin Recall

02/23 Royal Canin Recall

On this blog we usually talk about all things dog, however we believe it is also important to draw attention to other news in the pet community as well. Unfortunately for our cat loving companions, there has been a large recall in a product that is quite popular among feline owners.

What was recalled?

On February 6, 2023 one of the largest pet food companies in the world, Royal Canin, issued a voluntary recall on their Royal Canin Veterinary Feline Renal Support F Dry Cat Food. Royal Canin is a brand owned by a large subsidiary called Mars Inc., a company that makes a large number of pet products including; Iams, Pedigree, Greenies, Whiskas, Temptations and many others. The product in this specific recall were all 6.6lb bags with lot code #242B4RCR04.

Why was it recalled?

Royal Canin quietly issued a voluntary recall of one lot of their feline renal pet food formula. The recall was due to a mislabeling error, in which some bags of the Veterinary Feline Renal Support may actually contain a different cat food formula. 

Royal Canin has not released an official statement regarding the recall. However, the FDA listed the recall on its Enforcement Reports section of its website. More than 3,000 bags of food were affected, according to the FDA.

Why is this issue concerning?

Renal and urinary issues affect a large number of cats, with anywhere from 1-3% of cats suffering from chronic kidney disease. These cats need to be on a special renal diet that has low protein, low calcium and low phosphorus. This usually requires a special formulation and diet that is only sold by veterinarians. If a cat with severe renal issues consumes regular cat food in place of a renal diet, it could cause a renal blockage which could result in the cat becoming very sick or even be fatal.

What should I do if I purchased contaminated food?

If you happen to have purchased this product, pet owners should stop feeding the food. Unfortunately reports have stated that Royal Canin customer care is not being very responsive on the matter.

Take home message

Ideally, pet food companies should have a plan in place in the event a recall occurs. It is best if they recall their products as fast as possible, as well as having data on where all of the recalled inventory is. Pet food manufacturers also need to be transparent about the issues they are having with their specific product in order to win back customer trust. 

Recalls happen, however It is especially troubling when it is food that’s marketed as a veterinary product and is supplied in veterinary clinics. Contaminated pet food is not something that owners or dogs with health issues, or any dog for that matter, should have to be concerned about.

The best thing to do as a pet owner is to be aware of product recalls. Recalls can either be found on the FDA website or you can also sign up for the Dog Food Advisor recall alert on their website.

Recall stamp
Recall stamp
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